Payment Details
Bank: Zenith Bank Plc
Account Name: Sookie’s Meraki Limited
Account Number: 1224808133
Online Payment (NGN)
Online Payment (USD)
Canada Work Visa
3 to 6 months Visit to Employment Visa (To be issued in Ethiopia)
Requirements: International Passport Data page, White background passport photograph (soft copy), Vaccine Card, Yellow card and BTA.
Available Jobs👇
- Teaching
- ShoppingMall Job
- Waiters/Waitresses and Receptionist
- Cleaners
- Petrol Station Attendants
- Bakery Job
- And many quality job offers for Graduates. To be negotiated upon arrival.
Salary is very attractive depending on the nature of job offered
Processing duration is between 4 to 6 weeks
Processing Fee (Call)
(Excluding Flight Ticket)
Initial Non-refundable Deposit (Call)
Balance to be paid once the Visa is out and confirmed🤝